scDRS ===== scDRS (single-cell disease-relevance score) is a method for associating individual cells in scRNA-seq data with disease GWASs, built on top of `AnnData `_ and `Scanpy `_. Check out our manuscript `Zhang*, Hou*, et al. "Polygenic enrichment distinguishes disease associations of individual cells in single-cell RNA-seq data `_. Explore results for 74 diseases/traits and the TMS FACS data on `cellxgene `_. Installation ============ .. code-block:: bash git clone cd scDRS git checkout -b v102 v1.0.2 pip install -e . Quick test: .. code-block:: bash python -m pytest tests/ -p no:warnings Install via `PyPI `_ .. code-block:: bash pip install scdrs==1.0.2 Quick test for PyPI installation: open Python (>=3.5) and run the code in the Usage section below. `Install other versions `_ Usage ===== Use `scDRS command-line interface (CLI) `_ for standard analyses. Use `scDRS Python API `_ for customized analyses. Here is a toy example for computing scDRS scores. .. code-block:: python import os import pandas as pd import scdrs DATA_PATH = scdrs.__path__[0] H5AD_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "data/toydata_mouse.h5ad") COV_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "data/toydata_mouse.cov") GS_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "data/") # Load .h5ad file, .cov file, and .gs file adata = scdrs.util.load_h5ad(H5AD_FILE, flag_filter_data=False, flag_raw_count=False) df_cov = pd.read_csv(COV_FILE, sep="\t", index_col=0) df_gs = scdrs.util.load_gs(GS_FILE) # Preproecssing .h5ad data compute scDRS score scdrs.preprocess(adata, cov=df_cov) gene_list = df_gs['toydata_gs_mouse'][0] gene_weight = df_gs['toydata_gs_mouse'][1] df_res = scdrs.score_cell(adata, gene_list, gene_weight=gene_weight, n_ctrl=20) print(df_res.iloc[:4]) Expected results: .. csv-table:: :header: "index", "raw_score", "norm_score", "mc_pval", "pval", "nlog10_pval", "zscore" N1.MAA000586.3_8_M.1.1-1-1 , 4.741197 , 6.3260064 , 0.04761905, 0.0016638935, 2.7788744 , 2.9357162 F10.D041911.3_8_M.1.1-1-1 , 4.739066 , 5.916272 , 0.04761905, 0.0016638935, 2.7788744 , 2.9357162 A17_B002755_B007347_S17.mm10-plus-7-0 , 4.6366262, 5.5523157 , 0.04761905, 0.0016638935, 2.7788744 , 2.9357162 C22_B003856_S298_L004.mus-2-0-1 , 4.6805663, 7.2986684 , 0.04761905, 0.0016638935, 2.7788744 , 2.9357162 G12.B002765.3_38_F.1.1-1-1 , 4.640043 , 5.7792473 , 0.04761905, 0.0016638935, 2.7788744 , 2.9357162 H5.B003278.3_38_F.1.1-1-1 , 4.4457436, -0.5613674, 0.7619048 , 0.687188 , 0.16292442 , -0.48789537 O14.MAA000570.3_8_M.1.1-1-1 , 4.4552336, -1.5821338, 0.95238096, 0.9467554 , 0.023762206 , -1.6141763 J21.B000634.3_56_F.1.1-1-1 , 4.4433637, -2.3119287, 1.0 , 0.9916805 , 0.0036282123, -2.3945906 E5.B002765.3_38_F.1.1-1-1 , 4.4870768, 1.1566308 , 0.23809524, 0.13311148 , 0.87578446 , 1.1118028 K20_B000268_B009896_S260.mm10-plus-4-0, 4.53548 , -3.1656132, 1.0 , 1.0 , -0.0 , -10.0 Examples ======== - `Tutorial on a mouse Cortex data set. `_ - Coming soon .. Citation ======== If scDRS is useful for your research, consider citing: **Polygenic enrichment distinguishes disease associations of individual cells in single-cell RNA-seq data** *BioRxiv* 2021. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: reference_cli reference file_format faq versions notebooks/quickstart.ipynb downloads